3-Planning and Implementation

Standard 3: Planning and Instruction

Physical education teacher candidates plan and implement developmentally appropriate learning experiences aligned with local state, and national standards to address the diverse needs of all students.

Element 3.1

Design and implement short and long term plans that are linked to program and instructional goals as well as a variety of students needs.

Artifact: EDU 255 Lab C
Date: Fall 2010

In my EDU 255 class, Basics of Effective Instruction, taught by Dr. Yang, during Lab C, students were asked to teach an activity that originated in a different country. The class was broken up, each person given a partner, and were asked to cooperate with one another and come up with a great international game. My partner Greg and I chose Kabaddi, a lesser known sport, but the national pastime of Bangladesh and many other Middle-Eastern countries. In our unit we were asked to make short and long term goals and objectives. I created a lesson plan, a block plan, task progressions and more of the activity chosen. Along with my lesson plan were modifications to each task, modifications are important part of Physical Education because in every class there will be advanced and novice learners. I am grateful for the learning experience I was given and it has made myself a more professional and organized teacher. Below are links to my lesson plan, block plan and task progressions.

Task Progressions

Artifact: EDU 255 Lab D
Date Fall 2010

Again in my EDU 255 class, Basics of Effective Instruction, during Lab D, the final lab of the semester, students were to teach an assigned activity for approximately 20 minutes long, easily the most challenging yet but I knew I would be prepared. I knew I would have to be organized and ready, this was not something I could wait for until the last minute, none of the labs were, but this lab especially. I prepared my lesson plan, task progressions, objectives and I was ready to go. For the long term goals, I had prepared block plans, a scope and sequence chart and I know those can come in handy in the future as a physical educator. After reviewing the video of my teaching, my time coding form, and after developing the content one can tell I was very prepared to teach in Lab D and I planned everything out well. Below are links to all of my documents.

Lesson Plan
Developing the Content
Time Coding Form
Block Plan
Task Progressions 1 & 2
Scope and Sequence Chart