Sunday, September 19, 2010

Teaching, Take Two

Given another opportunity to teach I was not going to take it for granted. It was certainly better than my first teaching experience but there is still much I need to work on. I liked how I demonstrated, explained it again, broke it down into parts, and demonstrated it again, better known as D.E.A.D. (Demonstrate, Explain Again Demonstrate). In addition, to demonstrating, I explained a common mistake when swinging a baseball bat, which I feel definitely helps students when beginning to learn to swing a bat. Along with my strong points there were things I need to improve. I really must start to literally yell, it is better than the first lab, but with all the background noise and distractions I must begin talking louder. Also, my body language suggests I am not comfortable, I'm nervous and I don't have the presence I should have. I'm sure with time that would change. Lastly, I cannot blog without addressing the Greg-Jen mishap, it was pretty embarassing but I can laugh about it now. Honestly, I have known Jen for almost three years now, I know her name, it was just one of those things that happens. I was looking at Greg, it seemed like he was going to say something, answer my question, and then Jen caught me off guard. It won't happen again though.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

An Orientation to Teaching Physical Education

Teaching is a goal-oriented activity, teachers must set goals for themselves and the students as well. Teachers need to set a bar of objectives they want to achieve. Physical Educators must set reasonable goals for their students to reach, like their motor skills of the psychomotor domain. Without goals, students will lose interest and have nothing to strive for in your class.
It is important for teachers to choose instructional processes appropriate to their goals and lesson. Teachers must have an idea of what they want their students to be able to do and enforce instructional processes effectively for a given activity and group of students. If a student is asked what happened in gym class today, as the teacher, how would you want yourself described? The teacher must control the environment, task and learner to the best of his/her abilities.
The movement task-student response unit of analysis is a vital part of physical education. Movement tasks are motor activities assigned to the student that are related to the content of the lesson. The movement task can vary from a teacher telling a student to bump a volleyball, and can range to the teacher using task cards or something of the sort. A class without movement task-student response of analysis is not a class at all.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

My First Teaching Experience, Edu 255

A week ago, in the first day of class in Professor Yang's Edu 255, the class was asked to come up with a 3-4 min lesson on any basic fundamental skill. With no preparation my peers and I had to do our best with what we had. Below is a video of my lesson plan. I felt there are both pros and cons of my video. I was strong with my demonstration ability but there were some flaws with my presentation. Firstly, I can hardly here myself speak, whether it was poor video quality or what have you, clearly I need to speak up and expand my voice. Secondly, my introduction was sub par, I did not have instant activity to grab the student's attention, instead they were standing still, probably bored. Those are just two qualities of my teaching that I need work on, I look forward to expanding my abilities as the semester continues.